If you are doing renewal, simply choose non sales tax states like Delaware as your shipping address and save on sales tax. Renewal code is always sent via email. //@Anonymous: Shipping can be combined if you have multiple lines. I just did renewal for 4 lines, the shipping was about the same as for one.
By anonymous on 12/26/2024, 01:03 PM EST
Shipping can be combined if you have multiple lines. I just did renewal for 4 lines, the shipping was about the same as for one.
By anonymous on 12/26/2024, 01:00 PM EST
5G data is limited, speed will slow down after that //@anonymous: Unlimitd Everything why only 3/5gb data only?
By mutongo on 12/26/2024, 11:21 AM EST
updated, thanks. //@anonymous: Shipping is $5.95, not free.
By anonymous on 12/26/2024, 11:09 AM EST
Not as cheaper as infimobile $75/year 5Gb of 5G, Nationwide 2500 Minutes & 2500 Text